Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec 16, 2012 - Section 1

Hari OM.
We started our bala vihar class with the Likhita Japa: OM parama̅tmane namaḥ. The class then meditated for a few minutes. We sang our opening prayers, followed by the dhyana shlokam and first two verses of Vishnu Sahasranamam. Four children had memorized the dhyana shlokam already, and one among them had memorized the first verse as well. We listened to these kids chant from their memory and gave them a round of applause. We are pleased to have such dedicated students in our class.

To review the second SVS verse, we played the Seven Little Words game and solved the names of Vishnu we had learned in our previous class. It is a rewarding experience to watch the kids look up their notes for the meaning of the names, and guess the tiles correctly. The children guessed the longest name in a few seconds: mukta̅na̅m parama̅ gatiḥ.

We recalled the forms of Lord Vishnu that we have explored so far and the symbolism behind his blue body, resting posture on ananta/a̅di seSha, Goddess Lakshmi at his feet, milky ocean, conch, mace, discus, lotus, etc.

We then moved on to discuss the symbolism of his Yellow clothes. We recalled how Ganesha is pictured to be wearing shukla ambaram; similarly Vishnu or Krishna is depicted to be wearing pita ambaram, yellow clothes. We discussed what yellow color could signify. Children shared that the yellow color indicates the brilliance and radiance of sun, gold, etc.  It is to show that Lord Vishnu is brilliant and radiant. We then talked about earth, how anything buried under earth gets a yellow hue, how mud when burned in fire gives out yellow sparks. The physical representation of Lord Vishnu is showing that the infinite lord when clothed in earthly robes, helps us contemplate on his glory in a form that our mind and intellect can comprehend.

Prasad Uncle recommended an app for i-devices called Little alchemy. Game Assignment: Download Little Alchemy free app and check it out before our next class.

We then discussed about the ornate crown that adorns Vishnu's head and how the crown symbolizes that he is the sole proprietor and the Lord of the entire universe. We listened to a beautiful story of a vishnu devotee who wanted to wear the Lord's crown for a few minutes and write the future of his son. The story reassured that the Lord loves us all equally, in His vision we are all adorable children.

With that we concluded our symbolism lessons on Vishnu.

We then continued our study of SVS and learned the third verse of SVS.

yogo yogavidāṁ netā pradhānapuruṣeśvaraḥ |
         nārasiṁhavapuḥ śrīmān keśavaḥ puruṣottamaḥ || 3 ||
18. Yogaḥ: One attainable through Yoga.
19. Yogavidāṁ netā: The master or goal of Yogis, those who are established in Yoga.
20. Pradhāna-puruṣeśvaraḥ: The master of pradhana/Prakriti/nature and Purusha/Jiva/Spirit/Soul.
21. Nārasiṁha-vapuḥ: One with the body of a man and a lion combined.
22. Śrimān: One in whose chest/heart the goddess Shri/Lakshmi always dwells or resides.
23. Keśavaḥ: One whose Kesa or locks are beautiful.
24. Puruṣottamaḥ: The greatest among all Purushas.

We had bulk ordered copies of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam/naamaavali for all the children, as they have been so enthusiastic about learning this hymn. It is a chinmaya publication that costs $4.00 per copy. Please Click Here to find out more about this book.
Parents: Please pay $4 to one of the Grade 5 teachers when you drop your child in the next class, if your child wants to own a copy of this book.

We then chanted Chapter 13 Gita verses 1-3. We discussed the meaning of verse 3.

Homework: We handed out a word match puzzle and a craft project template summarizing symbolism of Lord Vishnu to all the kids. Kids, hope you have fun with both the activities. If you have any questions or doubts, please feel free to email your teachers at

Happy Holidays. Waiting to see you all rested and recharged, with renewed enthusiasm on January 6th.
Anjana Aunty & Prasad Uncle