Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 17th - Goddess Lakshmi Symbolism (Contd)

After the Morning prayers and Meditation session, we continued about the positive qualities and Real wealth that Goddess Lakshmi bestows upon us. The 6 inner wealth according to Adi Shankarcharya are Shama, Dama, Uparati, Titiksha, Shraddha and Samadana. To illustrate each of these qualities clearly, the children heard a story about Self Control.

We also did a Recap of the 16 steps of Puja or Puja Vidhi.....

Geeta Chanting - We recited the first 3 verses of Chapter 14. The kids have copies of Chapter 14 now (1 sheet). They should try to recite this every day, this way it is easy to memorize.

Bhiksha with Swamiji - Nov 24th

Our 5th grade class has the opportunity to Serve Swamiji this Sunday. Emails have gone out to all parents regarding this. Please pickup your kids from the classroom at 11 am in order to assemble at the Ashram at 11:40 am.

Hari Om

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Nov 10th - Diwali - Symbolism of Goddess Lakshmi

Symbolism of Goddess Lakshmi

November is the month of Deepavali and all hindus perform Lakshmi Puja and pray to the Goddess to bless us with wealth and prosperity. We always tend to think that Wealth means just Money and Dollars. Today the children learnt that Goddess Lakshmi symbolises INNER wealth and virtues and what those virtues are and how to cultivate them.

Six forms of inner wealth - Symbolised by "Suvarnahasta"

Adi Shankaracharya in his book "Vivekachudamani" has stated the six forms of inner wealth as follows:

  • Sama ( Calm Mind)
  • Dama (Self Control)
  • Uparati (Self Withdrawl)
  • Titiksha (Forbearance)
  • Shraddha (Faith)
  • Samadhana (Single - Pointedness)
The Golden hand or "Suvarnahasta" of Mother Lakshmi that is shown to shower gold, actually symbolises the above 6 forms of wealth. Only with a calm mind, self control, faith, forbearance and one pointedness can we achieve anything worthwhile in life.

Kanakadhara Stotram

We learnt the story behind Adi Shankaracharya 's Kanakadhara Sthotram, which he composed to Mother Lakshmi when he was young boy, to help a very poor lady. This poor lady did not have anything but one gooseberry to give to Shankaracharya as bhiksha. He was so moved by the poor lady's condition that he composed Kanakadhara sthotra to Mother Lakshmi and it is said that golden goose berries rained on the poor lady....

Lotus - "Sarasijanilaya" - seated on a lotus

The lotus on which Goddess Lakshmi is seated upon, is known to grow in marshy lands and unclean surroundings, but its beauty and purity are unaffected by its surroundings. We also should strive to remain pure in any situation or circumstance. 

Class Activity - Making and decorating Diyas

Since Deepavali is a festival of lights, the children made "Diyas" with white clay and decorated with sequins etc.