At 10 AM sharp, we started the class with guided meditation followed by prayers.
We learned another verse of Gita Dhyanam followed by the meaning of the first verse - Bhagwad Gita which ‘illumined’ Pandava warrior Partha (Arjuna) was the advice from Lord Narayan Himself and was composed by Sage Vyasa during the Mahabharatha war.
This part of our effort to gently guide children to the importance of Bhagwad Gita in our life. Our hope is that children shall the Holy Gita starting in high school and continue lifelong.
We continue Gita Chapter 13 practice by teaching verse 5.
The class continued the study of Lord Vishnu by reciting the dhyana sloka on page 24 of the book that was distributed to class last week - “Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram and Namavali”-
INTERESTING HOME WORK – Children were asked to look through the book and/or Google the prayer and try to find names of their family and friends. They may find that many of these names are derived from this book e.g. Suresh.
Adi Shankaracharya’s first test from his guru was to write a ‘bhashya’ ( commentary) on the Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam.
In book Yudhishtira asks “By glorifying and worshipping whom can men reach auspiciousness (peace and prosperity)?” The answer from Grandsire Bhishma Pitamaha is – By meditating upon the Supreme Purusa (Vishnu) man can reach true auspiciousness.
We started studying the first 3 names from verse 1.
We concluded the class with closing prayers.
Kasturi Uncle and Sangita Aunty